Journal of the Academy of Business and Emerging Markets (JABEM)
JABEM, a double anonymous peer-reviewed, biannual and Open Access multi- and inter-disciplinary international journal, aims to publish debatable and testable articles. Empirical, comparative and iconoclastic articles based on alternate views, theories or diversity in methodologies are particularly welcome. JABEM does not publish opinions, interviews or case studies.
Mission of JABEM is to disseminate emerging markets based research worldwide and develop scholarship of authors within the scope of topics relating to Business, Government and Community. JABEM publishes solely on articles’ merit and is absolutely free. There are no Article Processing Charges (APC).
Open Access Statement and Policy JABEM follows Budapest definition of Open Access. The full text of all articles are “Open Access, readily available for free, no embargo period, and no registration required to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose”.
Copyright and Licensing Authors retain copyright of their papers, and grant ABEM the non-exclusive publishing rights to publish papers, and assign the right of first publishing in the JABEM. The Open Access articles are licensed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0). This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. This license allows for commercial use. The copyright is retained by the authors since V1(2) and the CC-BY license has been used since V1(2).
Repository Authors are permitted to deposit any (submitted, accepted or published) version of their work in an institutional or other repository of their choice.
Special Issue JABEM invites Special Issue (SI) proposals from guest editors (professors, scholars and practitioners) whose research interests are aligned with the aim and scope of the Journal. Please note the following criteria when submitting your SI proposal to the editor-in-chief (EIC): (1) The EIC is responsible for the content of the entire Journal, including all SIs and has the final authority to accept or reject papers based on the paper quality, the Journals’ aim and scope, and the Journal guidelines (see Author Instructions tab); (2) EIC ensures that guest editors’ credentials are checked and approved; (3) EIC or a dedicated board member will oversee the guest editors; (4) papers submitted to a SI by the guest editor(s) must be handled under an independent review process. Guest editors cannot submit their papers in the same SI they edit. Guest editors should declare any conflict of interest in writing to the EIC; (5) Guest editors are responsible for sending a call for papers, inviting quality papers relating to the aim and scope of the Journal for the SI, setting the timeline for submissions, reviews and publications, managing the double-blind review process (same as the regular issue) independently following the COPE guidelines (See Ethics, Conflicts and Plagiarism tab), and encouraging the authors to deposit their papers to repository of their choice for broader dissemination of the research; (6) Guest editors should plan for giving six months to authors to write, six months for the review process, and another three months to EIC to finally check and approve the SI publication. The publication cycle can take 12 to 18 months, assuming unexpected delays; (7) Guest editing is a volunteering role; however, it has benefits such as gaining visibility, expanding network, updating knowledge and professional development, building editorial experience, and getting recognized by tenure, promotion and awards committees. JABEM will publish a maximum of one SI per year beginning V4(1).
Each issue of JABEM is periodically deposited to Library and Archives Canada, Government of Canada.
Dr Satyendra Singh
Professor, Marketing & International Business
University of Winnipeg 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, R3B2E9
ISSN: 2563-6960
2 issues/year
Associate Editors
Dr Vipin Gupta, California State University – San Bernardino, USA (
Dr Darina Saxunova, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (
Dr Prakash Vel, University of Wollongong, UAE (
Book Review Editor
Dr Satyendra Singh, University of Winnipeg, Canada (
Dr Der Chao Chen, National Central University, Taiwan
Dr Bheemanagoud Choudri, Sultan Quaboos University, Oman
Dr Faieza Chowdhury, Southeast University, Bangladesh
Dr Dan-Cristian Dabija, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Dr Tapas R. Dash, CamEd Business School, Cambodia
Dr Fabrizio DiMuro, Univeristy of Winnipeg, Canada
Dr Marcos Ferasso, Unochapeco University, Brazil
Dr Velia Govaere, Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), Costa Rica
Dr Humayun Kabir, Sol Plattje University, South Africa
Dr Manuja Koirala, Pokhara University, Nepal
Dr Bhupendra Kumar, Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia
Dr Ivy Kyei-Poku, Laurentian University, Canada
Dr Alexis Kythreotis, European University, Cyprus
Dr Irving Martinez, Universidad Franz Tamayo, Bolivia
Dr Emmanuel K Larbi, Regent University College of Science and Technology, Ghana
Dr Peter Lewa, Technical University of Kenya, Kenya
Dr Jive Lubbungu, Kwame Nkrumah University, Zambia
Dr Nazlida Binti Muhamad, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
Dr Rajagopal, EGADE Business School, Mexico
Dr Meera Sarma, Cystel Cybersecurity, UK
Dr Sudipto Sarkar, McMaster University, Canada
Dr Igor Semenenko, Acadia University, Canada
Dr Terje våland, University of Stavanger, Norway
Dr Claudia Sanchezbajo, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr Robert Suphian, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dr Duong Van Son, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture & Forestry (TUAF), Vietnam
Dr Irina Vashko, Academy of Public and Business Administration, Belarus
Dr Shatrughan Yadav, UPES, India
Dr Junwook Yoo, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
Dr Xiaozheng Zhang, University of South Wales, UK
Aim of JABEM is to globally disseminate research conducted in developing countries and emerging markets or comparative studies with advanced economies.
Scope of the Journal is multi- and inter-disciplinary and revolves around the three themes – Business, Government and Communities – in the context of developing countries and emerging markets.
Business: Marketing, Education, Operations, Human Resources, Finance/Accounting, Marketing Analytics, Cross-cultural Issues, Social Media Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Informal Sector Economy, and Strategy/Entrepreneurship, among others.
Government: Fundraising, Public Policy, E-Government, International Business, International Relations, Genetically Modified Food, Foreign Direct Investment, Environment Management, Public Sector Management, Law, Patents and Inventions, among others.
Community: Agriculture, Eco-tourism, Sustainability, Micro-finance, Rural Marketing, Non Profit/Co-op, Healthcare/Medical, Bottom of the Pyramid, Nutrition and Community, among others.
Article Processing Charges
Publication of articles is strictly based on the quality, relevance and new contribution of the article, and on the recommendations of reviewers or associate editors. There are no Article Processing Charges (APC).
JABEM accepts two kinds of submissions: Journal articles, and book reviews.
Journal Article Submissions
- Original articles should be submitted in American English using online system. Controversial and/or debatable articles relating to developing countries or emerging markets or comparisons between countries are particularly invited. Submit your article at
- Initial submissions should be in Word document using Segoe UI 10-font size, single space, and 1″ margin, and must include: (1) Cover page with title of the study, five keywords, author name(s), title, affiliation, full address, tel nos, e-mail and ORCID; and, (2) First page with the title, an abstract about 150 words, followed by body of the paper between 5000 and 6000 words including Tables (2 max), Figures (2 max) and References (40 maximum). No raw output of any analytical software is acceptable. Maximum total no of permitted Tables and Figures is four only. No appendices and footnotes. APA 7 referencing style.
- Submission signifies that it is not previously published or currently under publication consideration by any other journals.
- Conference papers can be submitted for publication consideration if the paper has two-thirds of new contents. If so, it should be indicated in the acknowledgement section.
- Published papers cannot be re-published.
- Authors should indicate whether or not they have conflict of interests.
- Authors are encouraged to acknowledge support from any individual or agency.
- Authors need to supply ORCID
- Authors must format their revised papers according to the guidelines/template.
Book Review Submissions
- Book reviews can be submitted to the Book Review Editor: Dr. Satyendra Singh (
- Book reviews should be a concise, critical and constructive summary of the book in about 700 words. JABEM does not publish reviews of edited books.
- Book review should include: title of the book, authors, year, publisher, place, ISBN
- Direct quotes, or a commentary on chapter-by-chapter is unacceptable, so is the praise or critics of the author(s). Instead, focus should be on the content of the book and its value, novelty and contribution to emerging markets.
- Book reviews should not have any citations.
- Book reviewers will be contacted for any revisions and clarifications before its publication.
- Sample book reviews can be accessed from any past issue of JABEM readily available on its website.
- For unsolicited book reviews, please contact the editor-in-chief or the book editor for its appropriateness for publication in JABEM.
- There is only one book review slot in each issue of JABEM, so book review publication is competitive as well.
Initial Submission
All submissions (except editorial introduction and book reviews) are first screened by editor-in-chief or associate editor or a designated senior reviewer for its suitability for publication in JABEM in terms of meeting its aims, scope, originality and contribution to knowledge in the context of developing countries and emerging markets. Initial review decision is usually sent to authors within three weeks of submissions.
Screened papers are peer-reviewed on a double-blind basis by two or three (in case of a tie) reviewers who are subject experts in the area of the submission. Reviewers play critical roles in ensuring academic rigor and improving its content and relevance. The peer-review process is also applicable for submissions by associate editors and editorial board members or Special Issue Editors. Reviewers are not expected to edit or copyedit or correct language and grammar. Reviewers’ comments are usually returned within three months after initial screening.
Revise and Resubmit
Invariably, authors will be asked to revise and resubmit papers in light of the comments made by the reviewers and editors. Reviewers usually have two months to revise the paper if they choose to do so. Or they can withdraw their papers from further publication considerations. Any loss of communications will result in withdrawal of the paper automatically.
Acceptance and Proofs
Editor-in-Chief is ultimately responsible for ensuring quality of papers and selecting or rejecting papers. If papers are accepted, the papers will go through in-house routine editing for clarity and consistency. Authors will be asked to format their papers as per the journal template and read and approve the proofs within a couple of weeks.
JABEM adheres to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.
Publication Ethics
- JABEM editors and reviewers follow the code of conduct guidelines established by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) while reviewing submissions without any conflicts of interests.
- Authors assume responsibility for contents of their papers and ensure that their submissions do not infringe upon any existing copyrights.
- Authors are solely responsible for securing permissions from appropriate sources to include copyright materials (e.g. images, tables, figures, illustrations) in their papers. If authors are unable to seek permission to include copyright material in their papers, they should not include such materials in their papers.
- JABEM associate, guest or chief editor may ask authors to submit the data set and Ethical Approval Clearance (unless waived by the author’s institution) for their research study involving human interaction.
Conflict of Interests
All authors must declare any current or future conflict of interests at the time of submission or when it arises. The scope of conflict of interests includes financial, legal, personal or professional relations relating to the authors, datasets and firms. Declaration of conflict of interests helps editors choose appropriate assessment mechanism.
Lack of declaration of conflict of interests may constitute a cause for clarifications, rejections or retractions of published articles. In case of doubt, please contact the editor-in-chief.
Similarity and Plagiarism Checks
JABEM maintains high ethical standards in publishing scholarly work and takes steps to avoid academic misconduct, malpractices and misunderstandings.
- Plagiarism relates to presenting someone’s work as your own. Self-plagiarism can be avoided by proper citations.
- JABEM reserves the right to use plagiarism checking Grammarly tools and third party services.
Open Archives of past JABEM issues are available at Library and Archives Canada: from v4n2- and v1n1-v4n1
JABEM 2025 V5 N1 (complete issue)

Editorial — Satyendra Singh (pp. 1−2)
The adoption of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and employees engagement: evidence from United Arb Emirates — Alaa Aldin A. Al Athmay, Kamel Fantazy & Rafat Alaa Aldin Abdul Rahim (pp. 3−14)
A pilot study exploring the interactive effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations in Open Source problem-solving — Lerato E. Mdaka & Mpumelelo Longweni (pp. 15−28)
The use and trust of information sources related to the efficacy and safety of dietary supplements among US vs Chinese consumers: an exploratory study — Andrew M. Forman & Ven Sriram (pp. 29−40)
Book Review — Ven Sriram (pp. 41−42)
JABEM 2024 V4 N2 (complete issue)

Editorial — Satyendra Singh (pp. 1−2)
Post-pandemic retail in India: an analysis — Arpita Khare, Pradeep Kautish & Anshuman Khare (pp. 3−18)
Factors affecting urban pest management professional’s pesticide purchase commitment: price, quality, trade credit and supplier relationship — Paulo C. Bondoc (pp. 19−30)
The mindful manager: exploring habits of mind during creative problem-solving in agricultural businesses — Mpumelelo Longweni & Lerato E. Mdaka (pp. 31−42)
Book Review — Abhisheck Kumar Singhania (pp. 43−44)
JABEM 2024 V4 N1 (complete issue)

Editorial — Regular — Satyendra Singh (pp. 1−2)
Unveiling E-satisfaction and E-loyalty: contrasting experience of E-wallet among millennials in Indonesia — Ina Kartika Wati, AM Soma & Heri Ispriyahadi (pp. 3−12)
How green features of building impact financial benefits and building lifecycle: evidence from Sri Lanka — Kushani Tharushika Jayasiri & Nishani Champika Wickramaarachchi (pp. 13−24)
Transformational leadership and job performance: the mediating role of corporate social responsibility in hotel industry in the Philippines — Drixel M. Ortega (pp. 25−38)
Book Review — Michal B. Pasco (pp. 39−40)
JABEM 2023 V3 N2 (complete issue)

Special Issue Editorial — Quality and Firm Performance — T.G.P.U Perera & Basanta Kumar (pp. 1-2)
Perceived service quality of tourists from former Soviet states and Western countries: a comparative study — Leila Shora & Nurym Shora (pp. 3-16)
Intellectual capital disclosure and firm performance relationship: evidence from leading Indian firms — Abhisheck Kumar Singhania & Mohan Nagari Panda (pp. 17-28)
Chatbots in hospitality and tourism: a bibliometric synthesis of evidence — Fateh Mohd Khan & Mohammad Khalid Azam (pp. 29-40)
Ubuntu’s business edge: a systematic literature review and future directives — Mpumelelo Longweni & Lerato E. Mdaka (pp. 41-54)
Book Review — Glenda A. Rebucas (pp. 55-56)
JABEM 2023 V3 N1 (complete issue)
Special Issue Editorial — Michael Pasco & Arhan Sthapit (pp. 1-2)
How does brand trust enhance satisfaction and loyalty of commercial bank consumers?— Krishna C. Alejandrino & Karmela Palma-Samson (pp. 3-14)
Global Competitiveness Index vs. economic growth: analysis of relationship in the Dominican Republic context — Moisés Alejandro Banks Peña (pp. 15-26)
Customer awareness of green purchase decisions regarding green products in Nepal — Garima Shrestha, Niranjan Devkota, Krishna Dhakal, Surendra Mahato, Udaya Raj Paudel & Sarita Agrawal (pp. 27-40)
Market adaptation areas of food delivery services based on customers’ eating habits — Bayani C. Matitu (pp. 41-52)
Effects of working environment and workforce retention programs on workforce productivity of financial technology companies — Francis Banaag (pp. 53-64)
Book Review — Randall Pasco (pp. 65-66)
JABEM 2022 V2 N2 (complete issue)

Special Issue Editorial — Mirela Panait, Eglantina Hysa & Irina Gabriela Radulescu (pp. 1-2)
Impact of behavioral biases on investment decision making and mediating effect of risk perception— Biswajit Acharjya, Basanta Kumar & Shakti R. Mohapatra (pp. 3-14)
Service quality and customer satisfaction in the banking industry: an empirical study in Vietnam — Duy Hoang Anh & Huyen Nguyen Thanh (pp. 15-26)
Is the Gravity Model applicable in Albania and the mini Schengen zone? — Anisa Sejdari & Iges Banda (pp. 27-36)
Impact of organizational resilience, ambidexterity capability, and strategic renewal during Covid-19 on firm performance — Herrijal Jaka, Sari Wahyuni & Meiditomo Sutyarjoko (pp. 37-48)
Performance measurement in the public sector: United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) state of the art — Alaa Aldin A. Al Athmay & Kamel Fantazy (pp. 49-60)
Book Review — Mirela Panait (pp. 61-62)
JABEM 2022 V2 N1 (complete issue)

Editorial — Special Issue on Culture and COVID — Luis J Camacho, Meena Rambocas & Moises Banks (pp. 1-2)
The moderating effects of age and gender on the relationship between culture and uncertainly avoidance: evidence from Europe and Asia — Peter Broeder (pp. 3-18)
The Wanderlust generation: determining factors on millennial consumers’ responses to travel advertisements — John Eric O. Estrellado, Jean Ailene M. Jimenez & Michael Pasco (pp. 19-30)
Corporate citizenship and organizational citizenship behavior: does Covid-19 affect the relationship? — Luis J. Camacho, Julio Ramirez & Cristian Salazar-Concha (pp. 31-44)
When do consumers perceive supermarket chains as good corporate citizens? Evidence from the Dominican Republic during Covid-19 — Luis J. Camacho, Meena Rambocas & Moises Banks (pp. 45-58)
Exploring how social media marketing influences small business performance amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Trinidad and Tobago — Crystal Doughty & Meena Rambocas (pp. 59-72)
Book Review — Michael Pasco (pp. 73-74)
JABEM 2021 V1 N2 (complete issue)

Editorial — Satyendra Singh (pp. 1-2)
The role of the buyer’s dependence in the innovation-adaptability relationship: Does culture matter? — Sara S. A. Abdalla & Koichi Nakagawa (pp. 3-20)
How does quality experience affect customer’s repeat purchase? Evidence from a call center in the Philippines — Michael Pasco & Carolyn Lao (pp. 21-34)
Cross-cultural context endorsement in visual e-commerce: A study of Dutch and Indian female consumers — Peter Broeder (pp. 35-50)
The robotic process automation in accounting: Impacts of relative advantage, trialability and user-friendly innovation adoption attributes — Prince Joy T. Mappala & Michael Pasco (pp. 51-62)
Stakeholder relationship management in African rural tourism development — Alpheaus Litheko & Marius Potgieter (pp. 63-76)
Book Review — Mirela Panait (pp. 77-78)
JABEM 2021 V1 N1 (complete issue)
Editorial — Satyendra Singh (pp. 1-2)
An empirical study of the relationships among strategic purchasing, supply chain capabilities and performance: SEM approach — Kamel Fantazy & Bhaskar Mukerji (pp. 3-18)
Information technology deployment and supply chain performance: Evidence from emerging economy — Edward S Fekpe & Michelle E Fiagbey (pp. 19-32)
Affordability, sociability and the reverse knowledge flow from emerging markets — Koichi Nakagawa & Masato Sasaki (pp. 33-46)
SCM policy implementation and compliance in the Ngaka Modiri Molema District, South Africa — Elsie Eposi, Marius Potgieter & Andries Pelser (pp. 47-62)
Culture, democracy and democratization: Cultural values and democracy values — Ibanez Lopez Esteban Jose (pp. 63-75)
Book Review — Marcos Ferasso (pp. 76-77)